

The Initial Assessment

3. Technology Evaluation

In the case of a technology-based business, the next step is to determine the actual status of the company's technology and its actual potential in the marketplace. This Technology Evaluation may also be adjusted to be a Product or Service Assessment in other business models. In more detail, however, with a technology firm as the example for this outline, MEC seeks to understand the exact business model of the development and delivery of the technology product and generally explores the following topics and key areas:

  • What, in Management's opinion, does the company actually have in thier technology?
  • What are the costs to produce it and proposed profit models
  • Pricing strategies, and expected volumes with time frames
  • Review development budgets
  • Review project schedules
  • Growth strategies and milestones
  • Copyrights & Patents
  • Code Documentation
  • Necessary Training
  • Product documentation/instructions
  • Suggested applications
  • Extent of customer support required
  • Expected longevity of the technology
  • Upgrades or new product strategies and plans
  • Exactly what phase of development is the technology in now
  • What are expected timeframe adjustments that might be required to finish it
  • What costs are expected to finish it
  • Requirements of programmers
  • Required programmer orientation and training
  • Discuss with the actual programmers the history and current status of the technology
  • What do the programmers think is necessary to deliver, deploy or roll out the technology
  • What do potential clients think of the technology
  • Is there a faster, more efficient way to get the technologies to market
  • Brainstorm and identify potential short-term delivery strategies
  • What testing procedures have been implemented
  • What are the results of testing, and redesign necessary
  • Review user interfaces, ease of use and intuitivity
  • Examine development problems to be solved
  • Identify delivery problems to be solved

Assessment - Overview

The Initial Assessment

1. The Client Dialogue
2. The Management Dialogue
3. Technology Evaluation
4. The Financials
5. Contracts Review
6. Operations & Profitability
7. Marketing
8. Industry Relations
9. Investment Strategies
10. The Report


NEXT: The Financials